Here are some projects we have donated to in recent years.
Giving Back to the Community
We believe in giving back to the community
We believe in giving back to the community. Since our conception, Vividus has donated a percentage of their yearly profits to various charities, particularly in the health sector.
Here are some projects we have donated to in recent years.

Financial Year, 2024
Community Care Centre - Pine Rivers
Each week, ADRA Pine Rivers distributes up to 170 food hampers to families and individuals in need.
A pop-up op shop is run on the premises which not only helps fund the food hampers but also provides the community with affordable household items, sanitary items and other necessary supplies.
Brisbane Community Meals Program - Vital Connection Australia
Vital Connection is an essential community meals program that provides a hot three-course vegetarian meal three nights per week to the homeless and disadvantaged in Brisbane’s CBD. It is a service that has been built up over 21 years and is well-known amongst other social support providers and those who regularly use its service. It not only provides nutritious food but it also creates a safe space for community to happen for those who have been marginalised in our society.
Refresh Community Ministry
Northpine Christian College’s on-campus church Refresh manages a community of volunteers to help people in the school and local community with navigate faith, relationships, parenting, school, and life in general. Refresh Community Church runs a variety of projects and community groups from food hampers and Christmas programs to life groups that help people build connections between God and each other.
Northpine Christian College STORMCO Cambodia project
The primary goal during this trip was to help construct a new amenities block for a small school in the rural province of Pailin. While this was the primary goal, we also had the pleasure of interacting with the local communities surrounding us. This meant playing with and teaching English games to the children while a few staff led some English lessons with the school’s principal and teachers.
Best Choices Project - Cambodia
The Best CHOICES Project, standing for Best Community Household Opportunities through Improved Community Empowered Solutions, works with vulnerable families in 50 communities in rural Cambodia, where people experience poor maternal and child nutrition as well as child exploitation. Because many vulnerable people in Pursat Province are financially insecure and are exploited for their labour, our project helps participants to make safe decisions about labour migration, personal health, non-communicable diseases, hygiene, waste management and livelihoods.
Remedial Education for Children in Lebanon
A program that provides remedial education and support to students from grades 1 through 9. The program also offers inclusion support for children facing marginalisation and those with disabilities.
Circular Economy for Healthy Lifestyles (CEHL) - Bula Swath Project
The Bula Swath (Living Healthy) project is improving the wellbeing of communities in Fiji. The project has three key focuses:
1. Communities participate in activities to prevent non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes. They have access to tracking tools and have connections to public services at each division.
2. Participants have improved skills and knowledge in dietary diversification, traditional food preservation techniques, organic farming, and composting as part of a circular economy for a healthy lifestyle.
3. Communities have increased healthy lifestyle awareness through adapted intervention systems and well-planned media and communications messages.
Turn on the tap Solomon Islands
Many girls in the Solomon Islands are unable to attend school regularly because school toilet facilities lack running water, privacy and are not designed to meet the needs of females. The Turn on the Tap project addresses inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene infrastructure and knowledge in a range of primary and secondary schools.
Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church, South Queensland
A Christian denomination serving communities in tangible ways. The Seventh Day Adventist Church is passionate about communities and seek their good by mingling with neighbours, sympathising with them, and ministering to the diversity of needs as they present.
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)
Helping communities across the globe in need by providing immediate disaster relief, remedial education, hot meals to the homeless, and sanitation solutions. ADRA helps families in need access nourishing food, distributes food hampers, and enhances education on domestic violence, sexual abuse, and teenage pregnancy.
Financial Year, 2023
The Blossom Project
Enhancing the wellbeing of women and girls by educating them on domestic violence, sexual abuse, and teenage pregnancy. The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) also creates open discussions about gender norms, the roles of family members, and ways for men to take on “non-traditional” household roles to help women participate in leadership opportunities.
Community Care Centre – Logan Central
Providing emergency relief and assistance to people in need across Logan Central. This includes supplying food parcels, operating a soup kitchen, offering training in Certificate I Conservation and Land Management and Certificate I Hospitality, and providing employment opportunities.
Open Heart International (OHI)
Transforming lives by bringing surgical technology, training, equipment, and community education to vulnerable communities. Volunteer teams of surgeons, doctors, nurses, clinicians, and educators work together to create local self-sufficiency and perform surgical interventions in places where people have lost hope.
Financial Years Prior to 2023
Helping communities in Sierra Leone build a better future
Providing medical staff, medical supplies, ambulance services, surgery upgrades, and other healthcare systems. The biggest impact that Bo Children’s Hospital has made on Sierra Leone is saving lives from diseases, such as Malaria, malnutrition, diarrhea, tuberculosis, and HIV.
Stroke Foundation
Partnering with the community to educate people on stroke prevention, supporting stroke survivors and the public to reduce stroke impact on the community, and ensuring everyone experiencing strokes is treated on specialised units to enhance recovery.
Oxfam Trailblazer
Creating sustainable solutions to inequality among communities by working with First Nations People to achieve change, ensuring communities impacted by the climate crisis receive justice, empowering women and girls to learn and lead, and helping communities lift themselves from poverty.
We're proud to have worked with: